Monday 29 February 2016

“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” -Alan Watts

 Our new construction area has little hammers, nails, wood, screw drivers, safety glasses and hard hats. We took some time to talk about the correct and safe way to use these tools. 
Screwing something together uses our fine motor skills.

Mini construction sites in our sand table! ^

Figuring out how we can use tinfoil to make boats that float.

Washing the babies in the bathtub. 

We still love to use our trains. We are getting more creative and making new track possibilities and towns along the way. 

Making a home for our friends and stuffed animals.

Keeping it clean and tidy.

What a beautifully thought out table setting that I was invited to sit down to.

The creator of that table setting. ^

Finding somewhere quiet to play with a friend or two. 

Singing our Hello song as a duet!

We have a small guitar in our class for music during free play; what a grand idea to join me during our Hello song so we could play together! 

Friday 26 February 2016

I can tell you about a spot in my community. Medalta.

Before we went to Medalta we talked about history (things that happened before we were born) and some different things that are made from clay like bricks, plates, and crocks. We watched this video to show us how they took the rocks from the hills and brought it to Medalta to be made into clay: 

The old part of the factory that turned rocks into clay. This is how they moved the heavy rocks up to the top.

Experiencing clay first hand!

Lots to see!

Inside a Kiln! 

Learning about how they made Crocks 

Looking at a collection of Medalta pottery

How they made crocks and tea pots.


Friday 12 February 2016

Esplanade Outreach Art with Annette

Exploring with a chain the different ways a line can go. 

Teachers and students work side by side to explore this new art idea. 

Thursday 11 February 2016

What being engaged in learning could look like:

  • Reacting (laughing, crying, shouting, etc.)
  • Creating, planning, problem solving, discussing, debating, and asking questions
  • Performing/presenting, inquiring, exploring, explaining, evaluating, and experimenting
  • Interacting with other students, gesturing and moving

Winter Walk Day. I can explore my community and talk about what I see and hear.

^^One child: Let's go in there! 
Another: No there are deer in there and they poop"

"Take a picture of that dangerous thing." ^^^